Orange Class
(previously) Red Class 2023-24
Welcome to Orange Class 2024-25
Meet the Team!
About us!
In the Foundation Learning Department, we feel the importance of learning through play, bringing alive all of our topics in wonderful ways, exploiting all of our senses. We use sensory stories, rhymes, songs to structure our sessions in fun and uplifting ways.
In addition to our focus activities, every week we endeavour to use technology, the outside garden and playground, water/sand/paint/messy play, soft play, sensory room and swimming in the hydrotherapy pool.
The staff, therapists and specialist teachers work together to ensure that programmes are integrated within learning opportunities.
We celebrate our positive relationships and work hard to build our Pupil’s trust, respecting their choices within all of our activities. We see each child as an individual and believe that they have a right to be heard.
We fully embrace the Teaching Styles (pedagogy) of the Foundation Learning Department and believe that children learn best through play and play based learning. We aim to give authentic experiences to ensure activities are purposeful. We ensure that well being is at a high, by working on communication, physical skills and outdoor learning.