Our Vision and Values
We want everything about our school to communicate to pupils:
- that they are valued; we value each pupil, recognising both their potential and their challenges, and work hard to support them in the pursuit of personal achievement
- that what they communicate is important and will be responded to
- that their way of communicating will be respected
- that they will be treated with dignity and according to their age and needs
- That their own particular achievements will be recognised and celebrated.

And post 16, Y Gorwel values promote;
SKILLS FOR LIFE- achieving personal growth, to be a confident member of
my community.
PERSONAL GROWTH- to be motivated, achieve my goals and be the best I
can be!
COMMUNICATION SKILLS- to develop my communication skills, to be heard
and to be seen.
WIDENING HORIZONS- making choices that are best for me, and experiencing
what could be possible.
OVERCOMING BARRIERS- develop resilience and persevere to learn, grow
and prepare for changes through adulthood
INDEPENDENCE- accept new challenges, create lifelong friendships,
and be proud of who I am.
Values are the principles that help you decide what is right and wrong, and how to act, they are standards of behaviour, what is correct behaviours and attitudes. At Ysgol Crug Glas we are passionate and committed to celebrating the uniqueness of every individual whilst promoting the values and principles; pupils are valued, respected and celebrated. Putting the pupil at the centre of everything we do, provides opportunities to develop skills for life, personal growth and independence, while encouraging them to overcome barriers and widening their horizons.
Shared Values
At Crug Glas, we have a passionate commitment to providing a happy, safe and exciting learning environment for all our children and young people in which to flourish.
We recognise and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual learner. We are driven by our desire to offer the best education for all pupils, in partnership with parents, external partners, the local authority and our local and national communities.
We believe our approach to an inclusive and aspirational education for all, will inspire a love of learning, prepare our pupils for life after school and unlock the potential that lies within each and every one of them.
Aims to realise the vision:
- To be a cohesive, vibrant and happy community in which well-being for all is paramount.
- To be a forward thinking learning organisation, in which all staff have ongoing opportunities to continue to learn and develop professionally.
- To design our school curriculum to be responsive to individual needs and abilities of all groups of learners, fostering an inclusive environment where every pupil is valued and heard.
- To provide dynamic, varied, enjoyable and challenging teaching and learning experiences which offer opportunities for each pupil to reach their individual potential.
- To promote pupils’ independence, life skills and work related learning to prepare them for transition and their adult life.
- To encourage pupils to develop the means and the ability to communicate effectively.
- To encourage pupils to be active participants in their learning and to contribute to and influence decisions made within school.
- To enhance pupils’ health, personal and social development and to celebrate their achievements.
- To facilitate pupils’ understanding of making a healthy informed choice; both in their lifestyles and behaviour.
- To work as partners with parents and with other professionals to provide the highest quality of education for pupils with Additional Learning Needs.