Adverse Weather
Adverse Weather Policy and Considerations
Experience shows that severe weather (snow/Ice) may have an impact on our ability to keep the school open on at least one day each winter. We would want to avoid closing the school if we can, and in line with guidance from the City & County of Swansea, we will attempt to keep the school open if at all possible. However, as a school for very vulnerable pupils, a number of specific considerations apply to Ysgol Crug Glas:
The great majority of our pupils are brought to school via taxi or other contract transport. Contractors will make their own decisions as to whether it is safe or sensible to collect pupils.
Given the vulnerability of many pupils, we would wish to avoid any uncertainty about pupils reaching their destination within a reasonable period of time, especially as some pupils may be at risk of epileptic seizures or other potentially dangerous conditions.
For health and safety reasons, we rely upon availability of a School Nurse at all times. If the School Nurse is unable to attend school, it may not be safe for the school to remain open (depending on the needs of those pupils who do attend).
Pupils’ needs (including health care needs) are very complex and we depend on individual staff working with individual pupils whom they know well.
In the event of disruption to transport certain staff may be unable to attend school and it may not be possible to match pupils with staff who know them sufficiently well.
Account will also need to be taken of whether school meals can be provided (depending on attendance of kitchen staff).
Taken overall therefore, it seems sensible to warn parents in advance of the possibility of closure, if a severe weather warning is in place. Parents will in any case make their own risk assessment and may decide to keep their child at home.
On the day itself, the Head teacher will take the decision as to whether the school should close based on the information available. The Head teacher will liaise with and inform the Pupil & Governor Unit, County Hall as well as the Chair of Governors.