Croeso i Enfys
Enfys is a new class that has been created to provide a specialised provision for our children and young people between 3 and 19 with complex health needs. Enfys can also be accessed by other children and young people across the school as and when appropriate. There is an emphasis on therapy-based sessions within Enfys that supports learning and exploration through the senses. Some of the sessions available include.
- Sensology
- Atmospherics
- Tac Pac
- Sensory Stories
- Music and Movement Therapy
- Story Massage
- Touch Therapy
These sessions are catered to the needs of each individual within the class through collaboration with other professionals including physiotherapists, occupational therapists and specialist teachers (QTVI/QTMSI). In addition to group sessions, individual therapy sessions are also provided more frequently, including Rebound Therapy, Hydrotherapy and Physiotherapy. We also endeavour to use technology, the outside learning areas, water/sand/paint/messy play and the sensory room.
Communication is promoted throughout all activities and staff work closely with the children and young people to build their trust and facilitate their choices. Staff also support the children and young people to access sessions alongside peers their age in other classes as and when appropriate.